Summer Reading. June 1 - July 31, 2024.

Summer fun at the library!

Summer fun at the library!

Read for prizes and join us for fun programs this summer! Stop by any library location to get a challenge card, mix and match any 10 challenges, then bring it back for a prize. Each completed card doubles as an entry in weekly prize drawings, so keep reading for more chances to win!

Print a Challenge Card
Starting June 1st
Request a Challenge Card
Starting June 1st

Summer Reading Prizes

Children (birth - 12)

Summer Reading 2024 Children's Prize: Board Book or Toy Capsule

Board Book or Toy Capsule

Teens (12 - 18)

Summer Reading 2024 Teen Prize: Tote Bag

Tote Bag

Adults (18+)

Summer Reading 2024 Adult Prize: Lantern


*Available while supplies last

Children's Weekly Drawing Prizes

Teens Weekly Drawing Prizes

Week 1: $75 Amazon gift card
Week 2: $75 Target gift card
Week 3: $75 Amazon gift card
Week 4: $75 B&N gift card
Week 5: $100 Amazon gift card
Week 6: $100 Target gift card
Week 7: $100 Amazon gift card
Week 8: $100 B&N gift card
Week 9: $100 Visa gift card

Teen Summer Reading Weekly Prizes. Gift Cards - Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, Visa

Week 1: $75 Amazon gift card
Week 2: $75 Target gift card
Week 3: $75 Amazon gift card
Week 4: $75 B&N gift card
Week 5: $100 Amazon gift card

Week 6: $100 Target gift card
Week 7: $100 Amazon gift card
Week 8: $100 B&N gift card
Week 9: $100 Visa gift card

Teen Summer Reading Weekly Prizes. Gift Cards - Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, Visa

Adults Weekly Drawing Prize

Select an age group for more info!

Get ready to embark on a journey filled with adventure, imagination, and discovery as you dive into a world of captivating stories and engaging activities. Our Summer Reading Program is the perfect opportunity for children to explore new worlds, expand their horizons, and foster a lifelong love of reading. Join us for a summer filled with fun, learning, and unforgettable experiences! .

To join in, pick up a Summer Reading card at your local library, request one via mail, or print one out above. Complete your card, bring it back, and you’ll receive a free prize depending on your age. Children from birth to 3 years old earn a brand-new board book! Children from 4-12 years old have the chance to complete multiple cards to win multiple toy capsules throughout the summer.

Every time you complete a card, you’re entered into the drawing for one of our weekly prize bundles.

Hooray, it’s summer! Time to relax, read what you want, and win prizes chosen for teens, by teens. Complete a Challenge Card to receive a tote bag (available while supplies last in forest green, royal blue, and purple) and be entered in weekly gift card drawings! Keep reading and finishing additional cards for even more chances to win.

Check out our teen events and mark your calendars to get crafty, play D&D, meet animals, race robots, compete in video and board games, watch anime, tie-dye, solve escape rooms, get a Book Box, meet YA author Scott Reintgen, and SO MUCH MORE!

Follow @scplteens on Instagram all summer for the latest!

Teen Pizza Party and Author Talk with Scott Reintgen.

You’ve waited all year for this: Summer Reading is BACK! Challenge your friends, family, grandkids, neighbors, and even yourself to complete this year’s card, which features ten different options to explore what SCPL has to offer. Get your card at your local branch or print out a copy here. In addition to the prize you’ll receive when you return your first card, each additional card you complete equals an additional chance to win one of our sweet, sweet weekly prizes, so keep reading for a better chance to win.

In addition to our reading challenges, we’re also offering hundreds of programs for grown-ups across the county. Whether you’re looking to join a book club, interested in adopting a furry friend, in need of a new headshot for your LinkedIn, wanting to try an Oculus headset, or hoping to learn about the secret life of Cass Elliot, your local library has programs to suit you! Pick up a copy of our Summer Reading booklet at any location to see all we’re offering this year, and we’ll see you in the shelves!

Join our Turtle Club by completing three activities in this Beanstack challenge. Beanstack is our platform for completing fun library challenges online! Once you have completed the challenge, visit the circulation desk at any Spartanburg Library to receive a free Turtle Club sticker!

Turtle Club Sticker

  1. Attend a Library Program
  2. Name a Favorite Turtle
  3. Read a Turtle Book
  4. Review a Turtle
  5. Take a Picture of a Turtle
  6. Count the Turtles in the Booklet
  7. Visit the Turtle Exhibit at Headquarters Library

Beanstack Logo

Follow @spartanburglibraries on social media for library service updates and collection and program highlights!

Join us at events for all ages!